THE MODERN RTS MUSEUM is one the most interesting museum that has existed las years ago, because is the one that work all the modern arts that the very famous painters do now a day, it is so interesting because....
My day started like this; i went to the museum at nearly 1:00 pm because the street was so congetioned and there were many people that were laughting in the street. I enter to the museum and I started asking some question that I took there and were: ¿how many years this museums has been open?, ¿is bigger the the gold and nacional museum? and some otheres, they did not have problems to answer them but they told me that there need to continue the trip by the museum. there I also see that the sculpturs weren`t the most worked paints or arts in this museum, now a days the people do more painting that sculpturs and that is bad because during the past of the years the ways in wich the people had expressed their feelings throught the sculpture; now a days the people are only painting and the sculpture i8s less used thatn in some years ago but they are also very good paintings that show love, pasion, and the feelings of the people.
maybe the people that now a days think that the artistic culture of the people is loosing its value, they are so asertive and wrong because in so many ways the people don`t show the renaissance of the romanticism as they were some yearas ago only the today and not much the history.
to conclud, it was one the most wonderful travel and it was so cool know about those things in the nacional museum of Bogota.

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