jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

the Gold Museum

Im going to write about my cool experience the gold museum and what i learn from this experiernce.

..First of all I take a trasmilenio that take me from the portal 80 to the gold museum. I enter to the museum and the people said me I cannot enter electronic devices because the people in some part of the museums cannot take photos or something like that. there I kenew that from there comes the guatavita leyend. that was that many years ago there were some indiands that put all the gosl in the guatavita lake, and when this was know there were many people that wanted to go to take that gold, there were deposited as many gold as you can imagine. there mans of the museums were some of the people that do that and also they found some little objects that were made up of gold or washed in it. finally those things that they found are thelittle objects that can we see in the museuyms inside the vitrins. then i took a bus that take me to the nacional museum of bogota, and it was a exiting experience that start like this:.....
first of all i tried to take a bus but no one go there so i take a trasmilenio and then a bus, so it was so dificult to arrive there but it was cool because in the trasmilenio i met a man that was from the museum, was one of the expone

finally I ask all the history that the museum had but the people can tell me all because the time was enought. to conclude, it was a very cool experence visiting the gold museum, but there are many much museums you can go that are cooles also. all of theme are interesting.

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