jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

cienemas in bogota

The cinemas in bogota are many some examples of some cinemas are cine colombia, cien mark, imax, etc.
you can find even one in every mall, some of them are in 3D cinemas but it is a little more spencive than the normal ones but the sensation of being in the movie is very real. some movies that are in billboard are el origen that is a movie that is science fiction and action, other is resident evil in 3D this movie is about science fiction and terror and is recomended for person of 15 years or more because of the content and there are more movies that you can search in  http://www.cinecolombia.com/.

the cinemas in bogota are disperced in all of the malls of the city like santa fe mall, san rafael mall, andino mall, palatino mall, etc. in the cinemas you can enter the food that you bought in there, you can bought op corns hot dog chocolates to enjoy better the movie. also I enter to saw the origin in the movi I eat a hot dog and pop corn and a soda to drink in the movie of all the cinemas in bogota you need to make silence because if you don't the personal of the cinema will take you out of there, also in cine colombia the the cinema publicity is longer tan in cine mark so if you don't want to know of the coming soon movies you better go to cinemark. also in cinemark is more expensive than in cine colombia but I also think that the graffic of cinemark are better an the chairs are moreconfortable.

so the conclusion is that if you want to not spent to much money is better to you to go to cine colombia because is moro cheaper that cine mark. 

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

The thematic parks in Bogota

first of all:

The thematic parks such as the botanicall garden park in one of the most coolest parts of Bogota where you can know and learn many things about the living and non living things, there in the botanical garden park in the entrance, where are many photos of animals and very good infotmation about those animals, its a very good idea to go to search about animals. when you see that you feel the need to go to see them and you can doo it. the botanical garden in a very good place where you can see the animals and that is a very good plan to do. there you can see buterflies, and many plants and those animals that are so little and primitive that are a very cool nature and habitad.
Another plan to doo in to go to salitre magico, neightboard salitre, where there you can do many good activities and can see many interesting things such as animals, games, roller coasters etc. there you can see many people that go with the family to enjoy the day and they leave hours after. its a very cool place. there you can go and the tique costs $10000, $20000  and $30000 the preferential and with the one of the $30000 yo can get in ny game of salitre magico, the one of $20000 you can only to some not at all, finally with the one of $10000 you can enter only like to one of like 7 games without including some that are free.
Mundo aventura is one of the most recognaising park in all bogota, more because many people go there to enjoy with their families.
Is so amazing how so much people go there only to play in some games and to all of that.  it is in the 71 street with #1, were the games are so cool and you can enjoy all of theme. for example there you can see the roller coaster also the hammer. one of the mosts caracteristics things of the park is the pompo parade were the people who want to include there doping such as advertisements or an omenage to the park.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Malls in Bogota

Have you ever gone to a mall in Bogota? Do you know which are the biggest malls in Bogota? Bogota has the most beautiful malls of Colombia, it has some of the biggest ones of South America like Santa Fe and Unicentro, but the ones that are small are so nice and comfortable. In Bogota's malls you can find whatever you are looking for: Entertainment, restaurants, jewerly, clothes, banks etc. There are different styles, some old small malls, other big and sophisticated, but all are nice.

During my experience I passed by Palatino, wich it is small but it is so modern and it's decoration is beautiful; then I passed by Iserra 100 wich it is big but it is an old mall and it has a big Carrefour. Then I went to Cafam Floresta, but I don't like so much that mall, it is not so beautiful or interesting. After that, I went to Salitre Plaza, with is an old mall that have been remodelated and it looks nice, and Gran Estacion wich is a new mall that is extremely big, it has a lot of restaurants and places of entertainment like casinos or videogames. Then I went to Bulevar, which it's shape was strange because it has a circled shape, particular and different from the others. Then I went to Unicentro, which is one of the most popular malls in Colombia, because it is so big, it has many stores, restaurants and entertainment places, and actually it has been remodelated and it looks so modern and nice. I finally went to old but nice malls that are Cedritos mall and Hacienda Santa Barbara, but Cedritos is like too simple, and Hacienda Santa Barbara is like in an historic place and it has like ancient buildings. I was missing to visit a very important mall that is Santa Fe, because it is one of the biggest malls in South America and it has many interesting places like Divercity, or a Burguer King. 

As a conclusion, I think that malls are one of the main tourist places to visit, because they are so beautiful and Bogota has a lot of variety of malls in which you can buy different things, go to different restaurants and choose the type of food you want to eat, buy different styles of clothes and other things that tourists are interested in when they travel to a foreign city or country.

By Oscar Santiago Ramos


Sports In Bogota

Do you like sports? Do you know where to practice sports in Bogota? Do you know what are the main sports scenaries? Bogota is full of different places to practice sports and the league of the different sports of Bogota is one of the best leagues all around Colombia. The main training center for the league of Bogota is the "Centro de Alto Rendimiento" where all the best people in sports of all Bogota, trains in order to represent Bogota in different contests around the country. The main rivals of the Bogota's teams are the teams from the Antioquia's league.

During my experience, I visited the two biggest and best gyms in Bogota, that are Hardbody and Bodytech. They are so expensive and there are many around Bogota. Then I go to the Salitre Coliseum, where it is practised indoor sports, then I went to the Simon Bolivar park where people go to make physical activities like riding bike, jogging or aerobics; then I went to the Centro de Alto Rendimiento where, as I said before, all the best people practicing sports go there to train and prepare to represent Bogota in tournaments around Colombia, and sometimes, International Tournaments. Then I pass by the Complejo Acuatico, where the people practices swimming disciplines. I went to the Campin Coliseum, the Campincito were the minor leagues of soccer train and the finals of the soccer league of Bogota are played, the Campin Stadium where the Colombian professional soccer is played. That day, in the Campin Stadium Santa Fe was playing against Equidad so some streets were closed and many people was around the Stadium, but more people got there when Millonarios play because it has more fans than Santafe and Equidad. Finally, I passed by the tennis league, where the best tennis players of Bogota practice to become professional tennis players and win many Tournaments.

Sports in Bogota are so important, because many people in here like them and are so good in them, Bogota is one of the cities of Colombia with the best sportsmen specially in athletism, soccer and tennis. Sports are so important for human's health, and I think that in Bogota the goverment influence a lot the population and the citizens to practice them and they are making a good job to develop great places to train in order to become better players. 

By Oscar Santiago Ramos

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

The Locations of Bogota

Do you know in what location do you live? Do you know wich are the locations of Bogota? In Bogota there are 20 locations wich are: Usaquen, Chapinero, Santafe, San Cristobal, Usme, Tunjuelito, Bosa, Kennedy, Fontibon, Engativa, Suba, Barrios Unidos, Teusaquillo, Martires, Antonio Nariño, Puente Aranda, La Candelaria, Rafael Uribe, Ciudad Bolivar, and Sumapaz. during my experience I travelling by Bogota I only went to Usaquen, Suba, Chapinero, Santafe, Engativa, Barrios Unidos, Teusaquillo, and La Candelaria.

In my journey, I visited in Usaquen: A Hard Body Gym, in the 147 street, Palatino, some schools like the Anglo Colombiano, the Liceo Cervantes or the Pedagogico, Police Stations, Parks around cedritos, Unicentro, Fundacion Santafe Hospital, Usaquen ancient streets, Hacienda Santa Barbara, Centro Comercial Cedritos and Santa Ana. It goes from North Freeway to La Calera, and from 100 street to Chia. Other location that I liked and that I learned a lot of Bogota going to this place was La Candelaria. It has lots of museums, it's streets are full of history, ancient houses, beautiful theatres like the Colon theatre, traditional restaurants of the capital, political buildings like the Casa de Nariño were the president lives, the Plaza de Bolivar, and other interesting places like the house of Simon Bolivar, or the house were Rafael Pombo was born.

As a conclusion, I think that Bogota's location, each one, has something interesting to show, it doesnt matter if they are rich or poor, if they are in a plain zone or in a mountain at the south, each one has it's history and makes Bogota an important, historic, and beautiful place to live.

By Oscar Santiago Ramos


the Gold Museum

Im going to write about my cool experience the gold museum and what i learn from this experiernce.

..First of all I take a trasmilenio that take me from the portal 80 to the gold museum. I enter to the museum and the people said me I cannot enter electronic devices because the people in some part of the museums cannot take photos or something like that. there I kenew that from there comes the guatavita leyend. that was that many years ago there were some indiands that put all the gosl in the guatavita lake, and when this was know there were many people that wanted to go to take that gold, there were deposited as many gold as you can imagine. there mans of the museums were some of the people that do that and also they found some little objects that were made up of gold or washed in it. finally those things that they found are thelittle objects that can we see in the museuyms inside the vitrins. then i took a bus that take me to the nacional museum of bogota, and it was a exiting experience that start like this:.....
first of all i tried to take a bus but no one go there so i take a trasmilenio and then a bus, so it was so dificult to arrive there but it was cool because in the trasmilenio i met a man that was from the museum, was one of the expone

finally I ask all the history that the museum had but the people can tell me all because the time was enought. to conclude, it was a very cool experence visiting the gold museum, but there are many much museums you can go that are cooles also. all of theme are interesting.

Theatres in Bogota

Have you ever gone to a theatre in Bogota? In Bogota you can see theatres that are so old, that were constructed during the 18th century like the Colon Theatre, or modern thatres like the Wiliam Sheakspeare. The most interesting theatre for me is de Colon Theatre, wich is so important and Historic for Bogota. When I was in there when I was a kid, I could see the beautiful paintings at the roof, lots of balconys, and many rooms all around the theatre. But, when I went to take the photos, it was in maintainance because it is so old.

I went to take photos to many theatres in Bogota and I could see that there are lots of theatres of different age and shapes all around this beautiful city. Most of the old theatres are in the historic place of Bogota: La Candelaria. There I saw the Jorge Eliecer Gaitan theatre wich looks like an ancient Cinema, wich it is used for plays, concetrs, shows and for movies premieres. Other ancient theatre is the Colon theatre, wich have an ancient architecture, frescoes or paintings and it is only used for plays and important events. There are modern theatres in Bogota wich don't have history, are for example the William Sheakspeare wich it is used for plays and special events and it is located in the Anglo Colombiano School. Also the Castellana theatre, were it is the place of the best plays in Bogota. There are many theatres in Bogota but they are not so popular.

Theatres in Bogota are so interesting, specially during the Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro, or seasons of concerts like the "Temporada de Zarzuela" in the huge theatre The Teatro Colsubsidio. You will grow culturally, adquire knowledge about Bogota and other cultures y you start to go to the theatres of the capital. You want to have great experiences, see great architecture, and adquire a lot of knowledge? Theatres of Bogota are exactly th right places for you.

By Oscar Santiago Ramos

rock al parque, festival in colombia

I'm going to talk you about rock al parque.

Rock al parque is one of the biggest festivals in al Bogota, and of al america, for going to this festivals you don't have to pay it is free and in an open place the last time was in the public park Simon Bolivar, this festival is since 1995 the 1st time that we do it was in may then they pass to october then to nobember and this last time we do in june. 

In this festival some geners that are used are rock, metal, punk, ska, reggae. Rock Punk is part of the program called young season, including the popular music concert series urbana. within this same program is hip hop to the park, the features nationals and internationals bands from differents geners that I already mencion, since 1997 nationals judges are selected by another jury chosen by open competitions after participaiting in a multy step proces.       

El corral gourmet in Colombia

burgers the corral gourmet was ranked by the public bogota as the site that produces the best burguers in the town. this restaurant begins in Bogota, Colombia in 1983, many years later in 2001 the first corral gourmet opens the only diference is that they belongs to a high class of burguers.

i think this is an exellent place to go and eat but the corral gourmet have 100 locals in 16 diferent cities in colombia. I suggest you because I think many people like the burgers but there are many other variety of foods like salads, chiken, etc. this corral gourmet is different from the other ones because of their service to the table, the bars that it have.

I think if you are a foreinger you could go to one of this restaurants where you can enjoy some of the best burgers in all colombia, and you can go with your friends to pass a good time.