The cinemas in bogota are many some examples of some cinemas are cine colombia, cien mark, imax, etc.
you can find even one in every mall, some of them are in 3D cinemas but it is a little more spencive than the normal ones but the sensation of being in the movie is very real. some movies that are in billboard are el origen that is a movie that is science fiction and action, other is resident evil in 3D this movie is about science fiction and terror and is recomended for person of 15 years or more because of the content and there are more movies that you can search in

the cinemas in bogota are disperced in all of the malls of the city like santa fe mall, san rafael mall, andino mall, palatino mall, etc. in the cinemas you can enter the food that you bought in there, you can bought op corns hot dog chocolates to enjoy better the movie. also I enter to saw the origin in the movi I eat a hot dog and pop corn and a soda to drink in the movie of all the cinemas in bogota you need to make silence because if you don't the personal of the cinema will take you out of there, also in cine colombia the the cinema publicity is longer tan in cine mark so if you don't want to know of the coming soon movies you better go to cinemark. also in cinemark is more expensive than in cine colombia but I also think that the graffic of cinemark are better an the chairs are moreconfortable.
so the conclusion is that if you want to not spent to much money is better to you to go to cine colombia because is moro cheaper that cine mark.
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