This Hill's enviroment is a natural place who invites to the inner reflexion, also is a massive attractive place for worship, people ascend to monserrate as a penitence to visit the fallen lord's sanctuary a master piece created by Pedro Lugo & Albarracin.

Monserrat is a reference point of the city over the east hills. Since immemorial times is visited by a several ammount of people, tourist and curious ones atracted by the beauty and breathtakiness of the hill.
It can be accessed by foot taking around 30 minutes and 2 hours dependind on the speed and resistance of the visiter. Also there is two magnificent ways to ascend that doesnt take more than 5 minutes to go to the top of the hill: The cable railway founded in 1955, these are cabins who can carry a maximum of 40 passengers each one, with windows on it and the Land Railway a small train with windows on the roof and the sides to appreciate teh natural wonders in the hill like the sabana forest, the panoramical view and the amazing sunset.